Send the payment from Binance

If you are owning your cryptocurrencies on Binance, the following tutorial will help you to perform the payment from your Binance account.

First, connect to your Binance account and click on the link below :

This link allow you to access to the Withdrawal section of your wallet.

To perform your payment :

  • Select the coin that you want to send for the payment.

In the "Network" field, select BSC Binance Smart Chain (BEP20).

  • Specify the amount of coins you want to send. Network fees could be applied when you withdraw your coins (for BNB, ETH or USDT). The real amount that will be sent is displayed close to the "Withdraw" button.

Then, click on "Withdraw" .

You will have to confirm next popup messages (take care and verify all payment information displayed).

Withdraw must be done with BSC Binance Smart Chain (bep20) network. You will loose your cryptocurrencies if you use another network.

Perform security verification , and click on "Submit".

The transaction can take several minutes to be completed by the Binance platform, then validated on the blockchain and taken into account in your Jimizz space.

Last updated