X-savings (Staking)

JMZ holders will be able to earn interest (rewards) by placing their tokens in a "X-savings" account, a smart contract deployed on Blockchain.

When tokens are placed in X-savings, interest will accrue based on the total value of deposits.

Monthly rewards =

< total rewards to be shared > * < deposit > / < total deposit >

The interest rate is subject to change at any moment. The rate depends directly on the total volume of tokens deposited into X-savings accounts.

Users can collect rewards or retrieve funds whenever they want.

Funds to pay interest on X-savings deposits are taken from 600,000,000 tokens allocated to rewards. Once the JMZ ecosystem is in place, the financing arrangements will be sustainable.

Adopting the concepts of Staking, X-savings will enable Jimizz to gain a foothold in the fast-growing world of decentralised finance (DeFi).

Last updated