The cryptocurrency I hold is not accepted for the ICO

If you hold cryptocurrency that is not accepted for the sale, you will need to exchange it in order to buy Jimizz.

  • If you hold any of those cryptocurrencies on a centralised exchange platform (such as Binance), you can sell them using the relevant BUSD or USDT currency pair. You can then place orders on the Jimizz ICO website and use your BUSD or USDT to make payment.

  • If you hold any of those cryptocurrencies on a BSC wallet (such as Trust Wallet or MetaMask), visit the PancakeSwap website and connect your wallet to convert your cryptocurrency into BUSD.

In the Swap tab, select the cryptocurrency that you would like to exchange above, and BUSD below. Click "Swap" and your cryptocurrency will be converted into BUSD.

You can then place orders on the Jimizz ICO website and use your BUSD to make payment.

Last updated