Specify the withdrawal address for the Jimizz

The JMZ tokens you have in your account will be sent to the address of your choice after the ICO.

  • During the initial distribution for Jimizz purchased in option 3.

  • After the vesting period for Jimizz purchased in option 1 or 2.

To do so, you must specify the Binance Smart Chain wallet address on which you want to receive your tokens.

If you don't have a personal address on the Binance Smart Chain, you can get one in a few steps.

You can follow our guide : Get a BSC address

If you already have a Trust Wallet or Metamask wallet, please find how to find your BSC address:

Go to the "My Profile" tab.

Then, in the "Withdrawal address" section, enter the address you want to use. This choice is not irrevocable, you can change this address at any time, until the end of the ICO.

Please note!

  • You must provide a wallet address on the Binance Smart Chain network (bep20).

  • Addresses belonging to centralized exchange platforms (like Binance, Crypto.com, Coinbase...) are not compatible. You can't use this kind of address for distribution, your tokens will be lost.

  • It is your responsibility to specify a correct and verified address.

Last updated