Metavers was launched in 1999 with the aim of becoming the first online adult community. 20 years on, the Jimizz metavers will be the first virtual social world dedicated entirely to adult entertainment. The aim is to create a fully connected virtual world for erotic entertainment where everyone can fulfil their fantasies, have fun and make content.

Imagine a city where you can move around anonymously under an avatar that you created. A city where you can visit strip clubs, buy virtual or physical products in erotic stores and meet other users.

Imagine meeting your favourite models over a coffee and maybe inviting them to your apartment that you personalised using NFTs purchased on the marketplace, for a live show. Or maybe more...

Imagine virtual cinemas showing movies from the J&M or partner catalogues, or exclusive content on pre-release...

Imagine an adult museum that explores the history of pornography, with behind-the-scenes features and a section that addresses the issues facing the industry...

Imagine creating virtual voting booths to empower JMZ holders through consultations...

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