Balance and order history

When your order is placed and payment is completed, your Jimizz balance is updated immediately in your account in the "My Jimizz" section.

This section contains :

  • Your total balance, including completed purchases and bonuses received. For more details: Bonuses

  • Your order history, with the corresponding amounts and order status.

The status may be :

  • Pending - The order has just been placed. You have three hours to send payment.

  • Confirmed - When payment has been received and corresponds (to within 5%) to the value of the order.

  • Canceled - When you click "Cancel" on a pending order. This is the only way to cancel an order.

  • Expired - If the payment is not done after 3 hours.

  • Error - Where payment was received but the order had expired OR where payment was received but did not correspond to the order (5% margin of error).

Last updated